AdaMerOs-Butterflies of Turkey |
The Butterflies Monitoring & Photography Society of Turkey |
The Butterflies Monitoring & Photography Society in Turkey |
Archon apollinus / Yalancý Apollo / False Apollo
Superfamily | Papilionoidea |
Subfamily | Parnassiinae |
Tribe | Parnassini |
Subtribe | |
Genus | Archon |
Subgenus | > |
Scientific name of species | apollinus |
Taxonomist | Herbst, 1789 |
Vernacular name (TR) | Yalancý Apollo |
Vernacular name (EN) | False Apollo |
Subspecies : |
Archon apolllinus amasinus (Staudinger,1901), Archon apolllinus apollinus (Herbst,1798), Archon apolllinus armeniacus (Sheljuzhko,1925), Archon apolllinus bellargus (staudinger,[1892]), Archon apolllinus forsteri Koçak,1977, Archon apolllinus nikodemusi Stünning&Wagener,1989), Archon apolllinus thracicus (Buresch,1915), Archon apolllinus wageneri Koçak,1976, Archon apolllinus Wyatti Koçak,1976, Archon apolllinus linchyi Carbonell&Brevignon,1983
Synonyms |
pythius Esper,1805, thia Hübner,1806, annii Ondrias Kouts.&ouma-petridou,1979
Distribution areas (Global) | Doðu Avrupa, Ortadoðu, Ön Asya, Batý Asya, |
Distribution areas (Turkey) | Marmara, Ege, Batý Akdeniz, Ýç Anadolu, Güneydoðu Anadolu, |
Larval food plants | Aristolochia poecilanta, Aristolochia scarabidula, Aristolochia parvifolia, Aristolochia clematis, Aristolochia hirta, Aristolochia bottae, Aristolochia auricularia |
Habitat | |
Altitudes | 0-1100 m |
Wingspan | 45-60 mm |
Fly period of imagos | Þubat, Mart, Nisan, Mayýs, |
Description: | Aritolochia bodamae,A.maurorum |
Images for Identification |
Distribution Map - Literature
Distribution Map - AdaMerOs Records |
Flying Times by Altitudes
Adult ? Wing upperside
Adult ? Wing underside
Adult ? Identification Card
Other Resources: |
Related Articles: |
Zegrisleri Seviyorum (Zeynel Cebeci : 20.01.2011)
Yalancý Apollo (Hayri Yýldýrým : 5.05.2015)
Haftanýn türü Archon apollinaris hakkýnda-1 (Morfolojik özellikler ve benzer türler) (Turgut Sarýgül : 22.03.2013)
Aristolochia sp. (Mehmet Çelik : 13.04.2013)
Found 4 articles about this species.
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Obervation Photos |
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